Laptop Guide and Service Manuals – Manuale Service Laptop


Instructiuni de dezasamblare pas-cu-pas!
Uneori, din anumite motive, fie ca este vorba despre un defect sau pur si simplu un upgrade, ne vedem nevoiti sa intervenim asupra laptop-ului. De obicei aceasta operatie nu este foarte facila si se intampina dificultati chiar si din partea persoanelor cu experienta. Desi documentatia de mai jos se refera mai mult la cei care se ocupa efectiv de service, in anumite situatii va poate fi extrem de utila.  Mai jos gasiti instructiuni si manuale service pentru o serie de modele de laptop mai vechi sau mai noi, in care va sunt explicate printre altele si metodele de dezasamblare.
HP Compaq Service Manuals
Pasii care trebuie urmati sunt:
1. Click pe link-ul din categoria respectiva
2. Selectati modelul care va intereseaza
3. Click pe Manuals
4. Gasiti sectiunea ” maintenance and service guide”
5. Aici veti gasi un document in format pdf
6. Cautati in document „Removal and Replacement procedures” unde veti gasi instructiunile de dezasamblare
– Manual pentru seria Compaq Armada Notebook:  Link
– Manual pentru seria Compaq Evo Notebook:  Link
– Manual pentru seria HP Compaq Notebook:  Link
– Manual pentru seria HP Pavilion Notebook:  Link
– Manual pentru seria HP Presario Notebook: Link
– Manual pentru seria HP Special Edition Notebook:  Link
IBM ThinkPad Service Manuals
Manuale service IBM ThinkPad:  Link
Toshiba Models Service Manuals
Tutoriale service pentru Toshiba Satellite – Tecra – Portege – Qosmio – Libreto: Link
Multumiri !!!
Dell Laptop Service Manuals
Manuale service pentru Dell Inspiron – XPS – Latitude: Link
Printre modele se regasesc urmatoarele:
Dell Inspiron 1000Dell Inspiron 5150
Dell Inspiron 1100Dell Inspiron 5160
Dell Inspiron 1150Dell Inspiron 6000
Dell Inspiron 1200Dell Inspiron 600m
Dell Inspiron 1300Dell Inspiron 630m
Dell Inspiron 2000Dell Inspiron 7000
Dell Inspiron 2100Dell Inspiron 700m
Dell Inspiron 2200Dell Inspiron 710m
Dell Inspiron 2500Dell Inspiron 7500
Dell Inspiron 2600Dell Inspiron 8000
Dell Inspiron 2650Dell Inspiron 8100
Dell Inspiron 3000Dell Inspiron 8200
Dell Inspiron 300mDell Inspiron 8500
Dell Inspiron 3200Dell Inspiron 8600
Dell Inspiron 3500Dell Inspiron 9100
Dell Inspiron 3700Dell Inspiron 9200
Dell Inspiron 3800Dell Inspiron 9300
Dell Inspiron 4000Dell Inspiron 9400
Dell Inspiron 4100Dell Inspiron E1705
Dell Inspiron 4150Dell Inspiron B120
Dell Inspiron 5000Dell Inspiron B130
Dell Inspiron 5000eDell XPS/Inspiron M140
Dell Inspiron 500mDell XPS/Inspiron M170
Dell Inspiron 5100Dell XPS/Inspiron XPS
Dell Inspiron 510m
Dell Latitude 100LDell Latitude D500
Dell Latitude 110LDell Latitude D505
Dell Latitude C400Dell Latitude D510
Dell Latitude C500Dell Latitude D600
Dell Latitude C510Dell Latitude D610
Dell Latitude C540Dell Latitude D800
Dell Latitude C600Dell Latitude D810
Dell Latitude C610Dell Latitude L400
Dell Latitude C640Dell Latitude V700
Dell Latitude C800Dell Latitude V710
Dell Latitude C810Dell Latitude V740
Dell Latitude C840Dell Latitude X200
Dell Latitude D400Dell Latitude X300
Dell Latitude D410
Acer Service Manuals

Manuale service pentru Acer Aspire – TravelMate – Ferrari: Link

Pentru urmatoarele modele:

Acer Aspire 1610 Series [4.5 Mb]
Acer Aspire 3680 / 5570 / 5580 [4.6 Mb]
Acer Aspire 4930 / 4930G Series [4.8 Mb]
Acer Aspire 5050 / 3050 Series [11.7 Mb]
Acer Aspire 5110 / 5100 / 3100 [7.0 Mb]
Acer Aspire 5520 / 5220 Series [3.5 Mb]
Acer Aspire 5530 / 5530G Series [7.4 Mb]
Acer Aspire 5680 / 5630 / 3690 / Acer TravelMate 4280 / 4230 / 2490 [7.7 Mb]
Acer Aspire 5710 / 5710G / 5310 / 5310G [3.2 Mb]
Acer Aspire 5720 / 5720G [3.4 Mb]
Acer Aspire 5920G [4.0 Mb]
Acer Aspire 5930 / 5930Z / 5730Z Series [28.6 Mb]
Acer Aspire 6920 [18.9 Mb]
Acer Aspire 6930 / 6930G [8.8 Mb]
Acer Aspire 6935 Series [23.2 Mb]
Acer Aspire 7520 / 7220 Series [3.7 Mb]
Acer Aspire 7720 / 7720G [3.4 Mb]
Acer Aspire 7730G [7.1 Mb]
Acer Aspire 9420 / 9410 / 7110 / Acer TravelMate 5620 / 5610 / 5110 [9.1 Mb]
Acer Aspire 9920 [6.6 Mb]
Acer Aspire 4720 / 4720G / 4720Z / 4320 [3.1 Mb]
Acer Aspire ????? 4720Z / 4720 / 4320 [3.4 Mb]
Acer Aspire 4715z / 4315 [26 Mb]
Acer Aspire 4720Z (Z01)-E3C [0.9 Mb]
Acer Aspire 8935G [10.5 Mb]
Acer Aspire 5110 / 5100 / 3100 / TravelMate 5510 / 5210 / Extensa 5410 / 5010 [14.0 Mb]
Acer Aspire 9300 / 7000 / Acer TravelMate 7510 [9.7 Mb]
Acer Aspire 6530 [3.8 Mb]
Acer Aspire 4520 / 4220 / 4520G / 4220G [9.1 Mb]
Acer Aspire 5738G / 5738ZG / 5738Z / 5738 / 5338 / 5536 / 5536G / 5236 [19.4 Mb]
Acer Aspire 2930 [10.4 Mb]
Acer TravelMate 2410 [2.7 Mb]
Acer TravelMate 4070 / 4080 [3.9 Mb]
Acer TravelMate 4210 / 4270 / 4670 / Acer Aspire 5620 / 5670 [6.2 Mb]
Acer TravelMate 4220 / 2480 / Acer Aspire 5600 [20.7 Mb]
Acer TravelMate 540 Series [7.0 Mb]
Acer TravelMate 5720 / 5320 / Acer Extensa 5620 / 5220 [29.3 Mb]
Acer TravelMate 5730 / Acer Extensa 5630 Series [23.4 Mb]
Acer TravelMate 5710 / 5310 / Acer Extensa 5610 / 5210 [29.1 Mb]
Acer TravelMate 7720 / 7320 [37.7 Mb]
Acer TravelMate 7730 / 7730g [8.3 Mb]
Acer TravelMate 8100 [4.5 Mb]
Acer TravelMate 240 / 250 [5.1 Mb]
Acer TravelMate 420 [8.9 Mb]
Acer TravelMate 6492 [4.4 Mb]
Acer TravelMate 3000 [4.7 Mb]
Acer Aspire 4920 / 4920G [4.8 Mb]
Acer TravelMate 4530 [6.8 Mb]
Acer TravelMate 2480 / 3260 / 3270 [4.7 Mb]
Acer Ferrari 3000SG [3.4 Mb]
Acer Ferrari 4000 [4.7 Mb]
Sony Service Manuals
Cateva modele mai vechi pentru Sony Vaio
Sony VGN-A >> LinkSony VGN-FS >> Link
Sony VGN-AR >> LinkSony VGN-N >> Link
Sony VGN-AX >> LinkSony VGN-S >> Link
Sony VGN-B >> LinkSony VGN-SZ >> Link
Sony VGN-BX >> LinkSony VGN-T >> Link
Sony VGN-C >> LinkSony VGN-TX >> Link
Sony VGN-FE >> LinkSony VGN-U >> Link
Sony VGN-FJ >> LinkSony VGN-UX >> Link

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